Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sweetheart Scam 1 - subjectone door closes, another one opens (sic)

Well, here is a good example of the beginning stage of a Sweetheart Scam (also known as an Internet Love Scam). 99% of the time these 'women' are really men. In this case 'she' is attempting to get us to go to a website to view their profile. (We would never click on a website link from an obvious scam email (or any email for that matter)

These types of scams can be the most problematic. Often a person 'falls for' the scammer as they post beautiful photos, have a good story and will fall in love with you quickly. Make no mistake about it - these are scams, let me say it again, these are scams! Stay away from them.

They can steal your heart, soul and cash easily. In addition, they can get you involved in illegal activities such as receiving counterfeit checks for them or stolen merchandise for you to ship on to another person. (which could land you in serious trouble with law enforcement)


dateSat, Jun 25, 2011 at 11:42 PM
subjectone door closes, another one opens

hide details 11:42 PM (16 hours ago)

I am someone's perfect girl.
I hoard books.
I read news all the time.
I subscribe to several magazines and newspapers, not because I have time to
read all of them, but because I like to think I do.
I'm a self-described coffee and cupcake addict.
I'm not an alcoholic, but I do love good beer, good wine and a good time.
I go to plays and musicals because I love them.
I dance because it's fun.
I sing because that's just what I do.
I kind of hate modern art (something my friends like to poke at when they
bring me to various museums).
I overanalyze Lost. I sing along to Glee. I wish I worked at the Buy More.
I'm a nerd, in the "Star Wars is awesome, Star Trek is too, and I think I'd
like Battlestar Galactica if I ever got around to watching it" way.
I Love Harry Potter. No, seriously. Love. Capital "L."
I'm probably the biggest sap you'll ever meet.
I find kids and babies adorable. I don't want my own any time soon, but I
do want them.
I like pretty things. Shoes. Photographs. Pieces of furniture.
I don't like cats because I'm allergic, but I can't wait for the day that I
can get a puppy.
I'm living the dream when it comes to my career, but even I know that
there's something more I need to strive for. I just have to figure out what
that is.
I love baseball and college football, but fair warning, I'm didn't grow up
on the East Coast, so I probably don't like your team(s).
I'm not hot. Pretty, sure. Cute, yes. Hot, not so much. And I'm OK with
My profile is here: (DO NOT CLICK ON THIS LINK)

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